
Ifá refers to the system of divination and the verses of the literary corpus known as the Odù Ifá. The Ifá Divination system was added in 2005 by UNESCO to its list of the "Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity".

The Yorùbá religion comprises the traditional religious and spiritual concepts and practices of the Yorùbá people. It has influenced or given birth in the new world to a host of thriving ways of life such as Lucumí, Umbanda and Candomblé.

Our mission is to bring the philosophy, knowledge and wisdom of Ifa to all people, regardless of race, colour, sex or religion in order to promote the welfare and development of all mankind. Life is not just a gift or a present but it is in our responsibility to make best use of our limited time, and wrestling or fighting for what is noble and the best so that we can win the race of happiness, hence a crisis or challenges may or can lead us to greater victory, and joy.

AyeAkamara - Society for the Study of Ifa, Chief Ogunsina Babatunde Olayinka Adewuyi.

Ogunsina Photo

Ogunsina Photo

Sunday 6 July 2014


IFA speaks of the power of ELA OMO OSIN to prosper your way  and to bless you more and more than what you think or what you have before now.  IFA says use the mantra of ELA to attract the blessing of ELA and mercy of OLODUMARE to your life. This mantra must be used three month, every morning before you talk to any one. Mark the odu Otura Ogbe on IFA tray (OPON IFA), and say the following

Adan dorikodo o nfo kikan
The bat bend down sending vibrating word to the divinities

Odidere  gbe nu otu fohun ale
The parrot loves in a mysterious way to speak the word of life and mystery

Egungun nla  bo fohun eleni
The great masquerade speaks on heavenly words

Bologaja a fohun eleji
The great masquerade speaks in another dimension the heavenly language

A ni won  o duro , ko fa won o duro ko fa
They were asked to learn IFA, but they fail to learn IFA

Ani won duro mo ibo gbo, won o duro mo ibo gbaa
They were asked to get the instrument of casting and pathfinders, but they fail to wait for the instrument of casting and pathfinder

Oturagbe la da sile ti won nwo tiri , wo tiiri
We cast oturagbe on ifa tray, they started  to look  in awe and fear

Aridegbaju nii sawo won lode isalu aye
The great Aridegbaju (name of old IFA priest) is their diviner in the physical state of existence

AKUKOGALASA nii sanwo won lode iranje
The great mysterious hen( the name of IFA chief priest  in the city of IRANJE)  is their diviner in the city of Iranje( the city where OBATALA BECOME their leader , king and Lord)

Awon lo da ifa fun baba elewu geugeu
They divine IFA oracle for the owner of diverse and assorted clothes

Won  ni iya o ni je mi laye
They said  I would  not suffer in the physical state of existence

Orunmila o dakun, gba mi lorun , gbami laye , ma ma jeki iya o jemi
Orunmila, let it please you to deter suffering from my path  and my life , in this world and the world beyond

ELA takun wa gbure re bayi
Ela , the saviour of mankind , I invoke you  to descend  and receive  my plea  for clemency and favour

Ariwo nta sa , ela takun wa gbure , ariwo nta sa
Hear my cry beseeching you to descend and accept my prayer

Iwo to gbohun eku , gbohun eye, gbohun eja, gbohun eran, gbohun omo eniyan
You who listen to the voice of rat , fish , bird , beast , You cannot but hearken to  the voice of men

Ariwo nta sa , ela takun wa gbure ariwo ntasa
Hear my cry beseeching you to descend and accept my prayer, the great saviour of the world

Booru bala afenu migi, ela ma row a , ela ma bale si beyi , geege , geegeegee , rooro , roorooroo wara  wara  se. Wara wara se waara
As the first rays of the rising sun gently caress tree top , so may  your blessing descend  upon me , behold  the saviour descend  on earth  to bring  me peace  and joy , the saviour descend on me so as i call , so soon he descends

IKU kii beku wole , iku kii beja wole, iku kii beran wole , iku kii beye wole
Those who sacrifice the rat , the fish , the beast , the bird , never waste anytime to deliver me from pang of death  and other symptom of death , never allow my job , work , life , the lives of the beloved ones  be sacrifice like that of the beast

Ela gbami mode
Ela be attentive to me, I come before you

Eriwo soko edun  lomo ogun aaya lomo irunmole , aasan lowo barapetu , eetiri timi pe aasan , ela  omo osin.
Your attention  is divine, OGUN enjoy mighty works, divinities  and deities  work wonders , Orunmila Lord of Ipetu , wield word of power , and wisdom , i should  not delay in claiming Orunmila privilege , Ela i call you  now , never delay in listening  to me , Oh ye, the precious son of the living GOD

Eni loro , eni loro, eni lodun  apeje mani ooo
Today, I speak of your great deeds
Today i offer my prayer, sacrifice and rituals
I communicate from my inner mind to you
Whatever word I speak should be  accepted to you , oh , ELA



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