
Ifá refers to the system of divination and the verses of the literary corpus known as the Odù Ifá. The Ifá Divination system was added in 2005 by UNESCO to its list of the "Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity".

The Yorùbá religion comprises the traditional religious and spiritual concepts and practices of the Yorùbá people. It has influenced or given birth in the new world to a host of thriving ways of life such as Lucumí, Umbanda and Candomblé.

Our mission is to bring the philosophy, knowledge and wisdom of Ifa to all people, regardless of race, colour, sex or religion in order to promote the welfare and development of all mankind. Life is not just a gift or a present but it is in our responsibility to make best use of our limited time, and wrestling or fighting for what is noble and the best so that we can win the race of happiness, hence a crisis or challenges may or can lead us to greater victory, and joy.

AyeAkamara - Society for the Study of Ifa, Chief Ogunsina Babatunde Olayinka Adewuyi.

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Ogunsina Photo

Wednesday 18 June 2014


The spirit of love is manifested in a mind of those who are discipline to carry out spiritual order, and aligned with divine tread; this is a crown of being and the supreme end of knowledge in the universe. 

The measure of life is the truth that proceeds from the fountain of pure love and divine harmony. Truth does not dwell in the heart that is filled with pure hatred, anger, jealous, and unforgiving soul.  Remember that intolerant , discrimination , hearsay , doubt , fear , worry and other character full of  retribution  or vengeance  even though , they claim to be highly religious or a disciple of GOD ,  have no truth or smallest  measure of truth  . While  those who exercise patience  and who listen calmly and possess extreme discipline belong to the class of being called the Divine , the sage , the saints or the saviour, the teacher , the priest , the high priest , the wise one , the awo , the disciple of  OLODUMARE.

The final test of wisdom is this- How does a man live? What spirit does he manifest? How does he act under trials and temptation?  Many men boast  of being in possession of truth  but in reality , they are their own shadow of their grief , disappointment , unfaithful ,dishonest , liar , habit of retribution or vengeance  and other social vices.  Men become sway under the first little trials that come their ways.  Truth is the foundation upon which all things in the universe is built, and upon which prosperous life is constructed and erected.  Truth is built on virtue and wisdom, hard-work and diligence, steadfastness, self discipline.  It enables man to rise over his passion, emotions, fear , worry and disappointment .

Beware of perishable dogma, principles, and philosophy , because , truth is the universal  order ,  beyond the reach of intellect , it can only be experienced  by practise , fasting , prayer , meditation and  spiritual devotion ,  manifested  as a stainless heart and a perfect life of discipline. When a soul become a good practitioner of good habit , wisdom , understanding , discipline , and hard work ,  and sound love , then he can say , he is heading toward the truth of eternal life and his generation will be illuminated by unblemished blessing .  Now, every disciple of truth must overcome self passion, lust , vengeance , revenge , greed , and evil thought of all form .

Avoid all this effect of dislike and ignorance , then the sun of victory , success , and harmony shall  shine over your head  and spiritual blessing  shall be your lot . In your quiet time , that is your prayer time , and your fasting hour , is the hour of self purification , self illumination , and self reliance to the indestructible power of GOD and His  numerous divinities that loom in your life and give you  the abundant blessing you are  longing for.   

Truth and divine love free you  from  biases , fear , worry , strife , condemnation , criticism , complaining , indolence and other human effort to subvert  light  which is the pure understanding of GOD. Conquering of all vices make the divinity in the pinnacle of your soul become a source of happiness in your being . No one attains  pure happiness , love , and harmony without  planting  love , happiness and harmony  in the universe . The truth of all things reside in the knowledge and discipline to stick to divine principle .

Let it be known to you that , he who is patient , calm , gentle , and forgiving others and other  spirit under all circumstances  manifest the Truth. Truth will never be proved by wordy argument and other gesticulatory way.  For If men do not perceived the truth and divine love in infinite patience, undying forgiveness, and all embracing compassion , no word can ever prove the pure truth and divine love to anyone. It can learned with strict discipline , since earth is a learning plain , and human soul is the learning mechanism to put all what is learn into  action , deed and thought .

Notice , it is an easy matter for the passionate  to be calm and patient  when they are alone , or are in  the midst of calmness, it is equally easy for the uncharitable  to be gentle  and kind when they are dealt  kindly  with , but he who retains his patience and calmness  under all trials , who remain meek and gentle  under the most trying circumstance, he alone  is possessed  of the spotless truth and divine love. This is so because such lofty virtues belong to the DIVINE and can only be manifested  by one who has attained  to the highest wisdom and supreme discipline.  Who has relinquished his passionate and self seeking nature , who has realized the supreme law of truth and divine love and aligned himself  into harmony with it.

Let any man professes divine love , when he lacks  necessary discipline to divine principle , and lack mental toughness to stick to spiritual rules, and physical strength to  carry out all divine regulations. Let man thinks  , says  , and do those things  which make  for harmony , peace , love and goodwill . let all men practise  heart virtue  and search  humbly and diligently  for the truth which free soul from all error  and other evil effect of lives.

There is one great virtues and infinite law which is the foundation and the causes the manifestation of good and bad events  in  the  universe, the reality of GOD indwelling power . While other things will blow away in the universal existence of things , many things  will surely pass away , but the truth , the word and the divine love  remain the foundation of fulfilment , satisfaction , happiness and harmony and power.  To become possessed of a knowledge of this law , to enter  into conscious  harmony   with  these attributes , is to become  immortal , invincible and indestructible.

It is because of the effort  of the soul  to realise this law  , that men come again and again  to live , to suffer and to die and when realized , suffering ceased , personality is dispersed , and the fleshy  life  and death are destroyed,  for consciousness becomes one with the eternal .
The divine law of love and truth is manifested in your discipline , spiritual illumination , and divine orientation  and services to others  in the spirit of pure harmony . When the purified and undiluted  heart and pure soul  has realized  truth  , it is then , called  upon  to make  the last , the greatest and holiest  sacrifice and rituals.

The sacrifice  of the well –earned enjoyment of truth and love from generation to generation.  It is by the virtue of the divine sacrifice  that the divine being , called divinities ,  dwell amongst men , train men of discipline lives to become true disciples , and  cloth them with the power of victory , miracle , and power ,  to liberate other men from shackle of evil vibration and evil oppression of sickness, sorrow , fear , and worry.

The understanding of the truth and love , create what is called pure humility , and humility attract all desires and want of proportional benefits,  that is all belong to one , and one belong to all  in the spirit of love. He who succeed in humbling himself  with  divine humility and discipline coupled  with pure love  will not only defeat self or selfish life ,  but he is pouring out upon all soul the spirit of freedom from sickness , illness, and unhappiness, and defeat . And he is giving spiritual dominion  to deal with all contrary power in his own flesh and also to give freedom and light to those in the darkness.

During fasting and prayer , you have denied yourself of personal luxuries, comfort , rewards , sexual desire , and lust , you have aligned yourself and discipline your soul  to really become the  real disciple of the omnipresent , omnipotent , and omniscience  and you have gained  an insight into the vivacious and serene  city of divinities, and the abode of GOD ,  the luminous one that possess all power , and your lots  are numerous to mention , but you have again  gained blessing far more than those in the world , hence  you have again gained the simplicity of deities.

You have sacrificed the greatest things needed by  OLODUMARE  put light into your generation till eternity , you have humiliated  your body , soul and spirit before evil  or other contrary vibration before they intend  or  will  intend to deal a dead blow  to your life   , you have crushed disease and  disallow them to grow because of lack of food , now ,  you are on the right path of humility , love  and peace  , never allow your fasting denied you the power to pray , because it is the time of total freedom .

Remember to always assert wisdom and discipline in your thought , actions  and deeds . Pray for all enslaved souls on the earth , and seek their freedom through your divine love , and prayer ,  your act , and deed will bring to your abundant joy , those who feed  others in the universe will not lack as long as there is an appearance of the sun .

Do  you know , your prayer , sacrifice and rituals feed both human soul , animals and the deities in the universe , then  never relent to feed as many people as possible so long  you are   living , your prayer is food and  language of divinities , your fasting  is to illuminate your soul to be able to attain discipline necessary for  ascending to higher lever and bring into manifesting the abundant  blessing from the spiritual  sphere , your sacrifice is  illumination  to align with deities and your initiations are  power and vibration of greater proportion to  stimulate divine state into action of manifesting goodness to your and your family .

Hence , you missed nothing but enjoy all benefits  in the realm of divinities when fasting . You are counted blessed.  Ceased from extolling yourself , but seek truth , and add  divine love and ensure discipline so that universal truth will not be lost.  Your glory lies on unwavering spiritual wisdom , unrelenting  effort to better the lives of others , and stick to the universal principles of  pure love and truth.

Desist from gossiping  , condemning , and complaining  , avoid looking down on others , and pray for universal harmony among men , and he is never bother when men criticise and inflict injuries on him , he has relinquish self and seek  light for all soul , and never thinks of being greater than any one , but works without  regretting  the past , or anticipating the future  and never looks for reward from men , because he knows that the infinite hand that supply all things without lacks will sure supply all his desire and wants.

Take a look at this , when a farmer has cultivated  and tilled the ground  and put  in , the seed, he knows, that he has done all that he can possible and humanly do as an entity ,  now he must willingly or unwillingly trust the universal and infinite  power , that control all elements substances and vibrations in the universal . Since , the pouring and the falling of the rain is far  beyond his power , and the chemical reactions of all the needed elements in the belly of the ground  are beyond his power , he must  learn to wait patiently for the law to manifest himself , the power manifest in form of growth , preservation and destruction  , this is a great over-ruling law that brings  about its own harvest  in due time .

While those who does not make any effort at all possess the attitude of unbelief  and this nonchalant in the truth of the divine nature , impatient of their behaviour has lead to personal suffering , worry , and anger that has distorted the world from aligning with the great and infinite power that control the forces  in the universe . At  times,  laws can be  put to  hold , to do certain arbitrary  duties, and when such things are done , inducement by the power of prayer , fasting and other powerful spiritual steps are taken and used  as vital element  .

Self sacrifice is the foundation of  laying good foundation for ones self for  sound result or  generation  blessing. Never desist until you reached the land of pure illumination , do you  realize that fasting , prayer , forgiveness, patience and self denying services and self sacrifice  will take you to the land of salvation and total rest . Give up self and you have divine rest .  

Unselfish  heart partake  in the wisdom of harmony , and success. Holy war means , you wrestle your soul from the  hand of hatred , anger , disharmony , dislike , unguarded talk , selfishness , condemnation , gossip , complaining , criticising , doubt , fear and worry  , sexual immoral ,drinking of alcohol , smoking of any form , and partying all time  to satisfying body pressure .

Victory comes to the true disciple of truth and divine love. Be divinely  wise and spiritually intelligent and physical enlightening in the things of wisdom , and attack laziness and do immediately whatever you intend to do now without procrastination , that are  spiritual  law , those who are lazy spiritually will always give excuse for carrying out spiritual duties,  just as laziness destroy  all things in the physical state and make things difficult , likewise spiritual laziness lead to self destruction and generation curse .

Whoever fights ceaselessly against  his own selfishness and strives to supplant it with all embracing  love is called an illuminated ones – awo , whether he lives  in a hut , or in the midst  of riches and affluence or whether  he divine , preaches or advise or remain behind to send light to others for victory . Then forget yourself in love toward all , pray for your friend and your enemies alike , because rain comes down for the benefit of the evil and the good alike . 

Those you call evil has one been good , and those you call good are once evil , hence what make a difference is the wisdom and discipline to aligned with spiritual and divine vibration in the now , or in the present  . The work of self is powerless or perishable , it is work supported by greater infinite mercy and spiritual power survive generations  to  generations.  Aligned yourself and your  work with  INFINITE POWER  in which no human will hurt or destroy .

A pure heart and wise soul is the end of dogma and religion , it is the beginning of divinity , deity and wisdom . To become divine  and align with deities is to  walk in the way of truth , love . Peace and harmony , whoever walk in this way will surely tread the path of eternity , immortality and success. Humble yourself to be exalted by the divinity , whoever humble himself will see the pinnacle of life as a selfless  work of  GOD  to benefit all creatures in creation .

Walk in the way of pure love , in  the path of truth , and the corridor of light , and house of prayer and the mansion of fasting to really know the glory of  GOD  and the power reside in self as the foundation of how universal order act and react to our  wisdom and foolishness . He, who serves well mankind exchange spiritual fame  and eternal light , joy , peace and serenity be his lot.

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