Aboru Aboye.
A wise person knowing that
all things are ordered, arranged and managed by all wise Olodumare never
sorrows. In the Divine Mind -Enitolodu- all things are perfected and
accomplished from the very beginning. There is not one wrong thing in
Olodumare's administration of wisdom, love and joy. We should abide in peace
and humbly knowledge that Olodumare alone is the true knower. A wise person
understands from the heart that whatever happens by the decree of Olodumare is
for the supreme good. All the ordinances that proceed from ile ase, (the divine
sanctuary of command, authority and power) where Olodumare resides, is for the
ultimate happiness, satisfaction and good of one and all. We can be free of
care and worry only when we offer up our ego to kind and compassionate
Olodumare and dispose ourselves to be his humble subjects, servitors and
Compliance with divine
directives is the highest merit, blessing and joy. Worship and devotion means
loving-trusting obedience to the directives of Olodumare. When we willingly and
joyfully comply with Olodumare it can be concluded that we have sound
understanding and intelligence. No service offered or rendered to Olodumare is
in vain. Even without our asking or desiring it, He rewards us graciously and
abundantly out of His love, appreciation and gratitude towards us. Even though
Olodumare is the Supreme King and Owner of all, there is no trace of ego or
pride in Him. He feels indebted to His servants, children and friends for the
most minimal service of kindness, love and respect rendered to Him. Olodumare
is always mindful of us and not Himself. Olodumare is always originating,
planning and arranging the best means and methods to bring us to fullness of
joy, relief, and happiness.
Ego is the root of all
evil. The attitude of 'I', 'me' and 'mine' is the illness and cancer that fills
us with continual sorrow, suffering, conflict and affliction. But when we from
the heart, adopt the attitude that my mind, my body, my resources, my health,
my life, my intelligence, my ability, my family, my children, my friends, my
spouse, my time and my home all belong to Olodumare and are cherished by Him,
then peace and serenity arises in us. When we comprehend that Olodumare defends
and protects the rights of others just as he defends and protects our rights,
we then live a balanced life possessed of reverence and respect for the
authority and power of Olodumare. Olodumare is not the lover of injustice. He is
the Lord and lover of Rectitude who will dispense corrective discipline on
those who are abusive, recalcitrant, and malicious and who delight to exceed
the bounds of propriety.
When we treat others, our
belongings and the belongings of others as realities that are in fact owned by
Olodumare and belong to Him, we then treat people and things with greater
respect, love, care and appreciation. When the understanding and attitude that
we exist solely to serve and please kind and loving Olodumare, who is the owner
and creator of our lives the do we become free from ego and its oppression upon
our minds. When this attitude is firmly established in the mind then life
becomes something of great beauty, wonderful and adventurous. Then only can a
person understand that life is not meaningless or purposeless, but he
understands that he is a servant, disciple and child of Olodumare. We are
eternal friends, children and servants of Olodumare.
No one loves, cherishes,
nurtures and takes care more of what is his own than Olodumare. We can trust
Olodumare. Everything he respectfully orders us or lovingly asks us to do
always has manifold blessings, prosperity and merit attached to it. When we
come to more accurately know the personality and character of Olodumare ones
discovers that one never has to ask of Olodumare to save us because one
understands that Olodumare has always been and always will be looking out for
our continual happiness and benefit. With this understanding and appreciation
of Olodumare, we are able to serve Him joyfully and lovingly without selfish
desires and without a tainted devotion. Serving Olodumare without a calculating
spirit, selfish motives or a bartering disposition is what devotion means. It
means me serve Him because we love Him, we approve of His ideals and aims and
share (have) affinity with Olodumare's purposes in such a deep and wholehearted
way, that when we do the directives of Olodumare we feel as if we were
accomplishing and doing our own will or heart felt desires, due to our heart
and mind being at one with Olodumare i.e. we truly feel and perceive
Olodumare's will, plan and desire for us as our own.
Only when we are
established in such a relationship with Olodumare can we know true freedom or
deliverance from worry, fear, uncertainty and anxiety. Only in such union, born
out of understanding and devotion, can we know freedom of heart and we then
proceed to abide in joy and happiness, because our minds are nolonger oppressed
and dominated by blind passions, selfishness and defilements which afflict us
with continual sorrow, suffering and unsatisfactorines. Have we realized with
our hearts and not in a superficial intellectual way that Olodumare is the
supreme Oluwo? Olodumare is the sole owner, possessor, maintainer and rightful
disposer of everything and everyone without exception? Everything and everyone
belongs to Him. Nothing we can plan on our own can be better, more satisfying
and fulfilling that that which Olodumare plans for us. He is the source, origin
and unfathomable repository of all powers, virtues and desirable qualities. Has
it been deeply impressed upon our heart and mind that this vast entire creation
of millions upon millions of stars, galaxies, diverse worlds and diverse
myriads of living beings, powers, intelligences, spirit personalities,
divinities and other awesome creations that our minds cannot ponder or
comprehend are all contained, nourished and nurtured in the 'womb' or 'belly'
of Olodumare?! Has is set in, that Olodumare fills this entire and vast
creation with His personal presence or ase and that Olodumare simultaneously
transcends His wonderful creation.
Olodumare our True Friend,
Father, Mother and Heart Companion is immanent and transcendent?! Everything is
existing within Him. These thoughts and considerations should inflame a
fervent love for and appreciation of the magnanimity, glory and excellences of
Olodumare. Let us honor, revere and worship our divine Friend-Father-Mother by
practicing His qualities and exemplifying His noble character. Let us make the
assimilating of the personality of Olodumare our chief aim in life. The
character-personality of Olodumare is the truth.
Aboru Aboye.
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