
Ifá refers to the system of divination and the verses of the literary corpus known as the Odù Ifá. The Ifá Divination system was added in 2005 by UNESCO to its list of the "Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity".

The Yorùbá religion comprises the traditional religious and spiritual concepts and practices of the Yorùbá people. It has influenced or given birth in the new world to a host of thriving ways of life such as Lucumí, Umbanda and Candomblé.

Our mission is to bring the philosophy, knowledge and wisdom of Ifa to all people, regardless of race, colour, sex or religion in order to promote the welfare and development of all mankind. Life is not just a gift or a present but it is in our responsibility to make best use of our limited time, and wrestling or fighting for what is noble and the best so that we can win the race of happiness, hence a crisis or challenges may or can lead us to greater victory, and joy.

AyeAkamara - Society for the Study of Ifa, Chief Ogunsina Babatunde Olayinka Adewuyi.

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Tuesday 16 March 2010

Why we need to do all the spiritual activities

The moment when we engage ourselves into prayer, rituals, sacrifice and other spiritual activities are junctures for revitalized energy being distributed within the entire universe and creation. These moments are at times distorted by negative vibrations rising from the being engaging in these energetic activities. Laziness, complaining, condemnation, criticisms and doubt are reflections of this negative vibration that limits our capacity to realize the greatness of the ‘father of light’ and his innumerous divinities.  In order to grow we need to develop our attention towards what is useful for our growth. This is brought to our attention and awareness by being conscious about our spiritual activities. Spiritual activity is truly ‘magical’ as it has the ability of transforming the human into a being who think, feel and seek knowledge in accordance with divine guidance.   

In the same way as we have been equipped with eyes so we can see, in the same way we have been equipped with the ability to understand and communicate with Olodumare. This communication is enabled through spiritual means, and by this we are realizing our destiny. We need not only to possess belief, but also a loving faith. Belief without faith can at times delude us to engage into fantasy, but a meaningful and loving faith will give understanding and serve as food for our spiritual growth. The more you pay attention to the spiritual food, as you do to the physical food the more you will engage into a spiritual growth. This growth is noted by an increase in awareness of all things. A diligent attention to details will release understanding that manifests into happiness, peace, harmony, comfort, joy and an ecstasy towards life itself. These forms of realization, born from spiritual attention will bring a realization of meaning that goes beyond human life where the mysterious activity is linked to kadara (destiny). This means that every creature in creation has its own domain of activity that by virtue of its uniqueness will not interfere with any other creatures activity. We see this is the odu Osetura where the role of Esu in creation as spiritual intermediary and bridge between humans and Olodumare is established. Esu can serve as a remembrance that all of mankind has its own role to play out in conformity with a particular odu or energy. It is the understanding of these energies that will give man the power needed to determinate his fate. 
Remember that ignorance is not an excuse for not carrying out your duties. Man’s duty is to serve his creator and to carrying out his spiritual function with total dedication. This means that man has a duty to be happy and content. This is accomplished by adequate spiritual awareness to connect himself to the source for meaningful mental, emotional, physical and spiritual growth. Be as mindful of your spiritual food as you are with the food that gives nutrition to your body. 
If you do not live your life ‘in the light’ (i.e. developing good character) you are bound to fall into the pits of confusion or hit the walls of ignorance. This in turn leads to wickedness in thinking, behavior and moral and we develop unhealthy habits both consciously and unconsciously. To overcome wickedness we must obtain what is of vital importance for our growth by planting spiritually good seeds and be aware the presence of Olodumare in our lives. We must never forget that we are a complete spiritual being. Without spirit man is not a complete man. It is by being spiritually aware we can understand the presence of spirit in all of nature and open up for giving and receiving blessings. Our spiritual growth will enable us to understand more and more the physical, mental and emotional mechanisms in creation. It will enable us to live a good and harmonious life without attracting negative vibrations – and if we do attract them we will have the wisdom necessary to ward them off. We will be like the well prepared and wise manager of a company who secures abundance for his company when it is in crisis. To understand how to manage both the good and the bad is a wisdom that is born from spiritual discipline and makes us being in balance at all times, no matter what happens. 
Therefore every human should see as his duty to work with his unique source of energy and power to perform necessary spiritual step so he can be met with infinite success, power, strength, perfection, wholeness, love, harmony, happiness and peace. 
Power or energy depends upon the consciousness of power. If we don’t use it we shall lose it and if we are not conscious of it we cannot use it. The use of power or energy depends upon our attention. The degree of attention determines our capacities for the acquirement of knowledge - which is another source of power. Attention has been held to be the distinguish mark of a suitable spiritual being; to cultivate attention depends upon practice. The incentive of attention is interest. The greater the interest the greater the attention we give to things will be and equally the reaction upon the initial interest.   
Begin by paying attention to your spiritual state, before long you will have aroused interest and the interest will attract more attention and this will produce more interest to fulfill your destiny. In this way you will live your life to the glory of Olodumare.  

Do not lose your spiritual strength before you have found it! If you lose your spiritual awareness you risk losing your entire existence. Without spirit there can be no life and without life there is no man. He who loses his spiritual life will end up losing his physical life and his creation is made a waste. Pay attention to your spiritual gifts because by doing this you will regain your life and your conscience. Never abandon your spiritual awareness, because by rejecting this for yourself you will embrace a life of ignorance. 

Let us remember that the physical man lives and moves through the breath. Physical man must inhale and exhale in order to live. In the same way, the spiritual man in order to live and move must breath to live. The air of the spiritual man is found in the divine terrains. We need to be attentive in order to bring this spiritual attention to the physical world. A life can only happen if a seed is sown and we need to plant in order to harvest. The same applies to the spiritual world. No effect can be produced until the seed is sown and the fruit we reap will depend upon the nature and quality of the seed. Your harvest will depend upon your attention and perception of Olodumare and the spiritual world. No man can know Olodumare and connect to his innumerable divinities without adequate spiritual knowledge of HIS existence. 

This is why it is so important to engage into a daily spiritual discipline of prayers. This is the primary step to spiritual development and awareness. Your spiritual force is the energy that build up through attention, intention, dedication, determination and learning how to overcome and master the extreme sides of life. The negative sides of life shows itself in wickedness, ignorance, fear, worry, nervousness, limitation, discord, ill health, destruction, criticism, weakness, stress, laziness, condemnation and others.

It takes time, money, effort, attention, intention and determination to provide for the food we eat in order that the body may be nourished. It is the same way with our spiritual being. It takes time to assimilate our mental and spiritual food that nourish our body, mind and soul for eternity and maintain equilibrium.

Ordinary man deal with people based on physical appearance, but we need to engage ourselves in a sound spiritual life to really understand the universal working of what we call the mysterious. Spiritual knowledge teaches you calmness, patience and love. It teaches you to never repay evil with evil and to avoid confrontation when you are attacked, mocked or ridiculed. Spiritual understanding will teach you to give meaning to all problems. Sometimes we feel solutions takes a long time to arrive, but it will always come at the right time. 

Avoid condemning people or criticizing them. Avoid confronting them when they fail to do the right things. Condemnation and confronting are not the solution, it brings enmity and it is disgusting. Use your inner power to profer solution to all problems, most problems if not all, are solved through understanding of spiritual consciousness. It may take long but delay is never a denial. Time is the great healer of all sorrows and worries. Time has no place in the spiritual dictionary because millions of years are just a second in the spiritual world - but men are impatient and often fail to grasp this fundamental truth. Always try to build your life on love, light, power, strength, energy, understanding, force, good vibrations, meekness, discipline and gentleness. In the quietude of silence is found the secret of how to tap the power of the INDWELLING GOD WITHIN YOU. Do this and you shall recognise that your creation is not in vain.

The spirit of a thing is that thing. The spirit of you - is YOU - without spirit you will be nothing. You only become active through recognition of this fact and your wealth, health, happiness and joy rests on your spiritual recognition and power. Unless you recognize it and use it the spirit, power and energy in you have no value. The one and only condition of spiritual power is in its use and recognition. All great things come through this recognition that the secret of all power is consciousness. Be conscious of your spiritual state and ALL SHALL BE WELL WITH YOU. Alafia!   

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