
Ifá refers to the system of divination and the verses of the literary corpus known as the Odù Ifá. The Ifá Divination system was added in 2005 by UNESCO to its list of the "Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity".

The Yorùbá religion comprises the traditional religious and spiritual concepts and practices of the Yorùbá people. It has influenced or given birth in the new world to a host of thriving ways of life such as Lucumí, Umbanda and Candomblé.

Our mission is to bring the philosophy, knowledge and wisdom of Ifa to all people, regardless of race, colour, sex or religion in order to promote the welfare and development of all mankind. Life is not just a gift or a present but it is in our responsibility to make best use of our limited time, and wrestling or fighting for what is noble and the best so that we can win the race of happiness, hence a crisis or challenges may or can lead us to greater victory, and joy.

AyeAkamara - Society for the Study of Ifa, Chief Ogunsina Babatunde Olayinka Adewuyi.

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Saturday, 28 May 2016

True happiness

True happiness lies within , when a man trains his mind to think only thought that are pure , gentle, loving , and be happy under all condition , that is where true and profound happiness lies . Such attitudes lessen the misery and the evil of the world. If any- one fails to lift himself above any unkind , ungentleness , impurity , sadness , complain , condemning and criticizing , he is greatly under the illusion if he imagines  he can make the world or his environment happier  by propagation of any philosophy  and theology . Have you ever work with a bitter wife or a bitter husband , who constantly complaining of his or her environment and his or her  bad family   , bad attitude,  when he or she fails to change his or her  inner self !!!. It is impossible to wash only the outside of the cup while the inner is purely empty and dirty  . Clean plates and clean pots must be washed ’”inside outside and not outside in’’. The beauty of life lies on the inner power , and the flow  of her beauty relies  and resides  on the inner control of self  to think good thought and try to be happy all the time . 
Who is daily living in harshness , impurity  and unhappiness , is day by day  , adding to the mystery and the unhappy nature of the world  , and independent of any religion beliefs and under any circumstances and condition , he is an agent of evil and build the foundation of wickedness that can span from generation to generation.

He who is learned to be gentle , or giving , loving , happy  has learned very great   in whatever religion he may profess .  It is in the process of gentleness  , purity  , loving , happy and having good thought that enduring lessons of life  are learned, and the inner state is purified and sanctified . Then power and miracle occur naturally , like the morning stars or sun that flourishes the darkness of the night and giving light to the universe in all season. Under no condition you condemn your partner , or your  neighbor , try to think good of him and bless him , so that blessing in a multiple form will come to you and radiate your generation yet unborn .

A sweet and happy soul is the ripened fruit of experience and wisdom . The great men and women build their power through inner cleansing and extend pure love to others to gain universal  victory.  A great soul sheds abroad  the invisible and powerful aroma   of influence , gladdening the hearts of others, and purifying the world  and all who will , and who have not yet commenced, may begin this day if they will so resolve, to live sweetly and happily as becomes the dignity  of a true manhood or womanhood.

Do not say that your surroundings are against you . A man’s surrounding  are never against  him , they are there  to aid him , and all those outward occurrence  over which you lose sweetness and peace of mind are the very conditions necessary  to your development and it is only by meeting and overcoming them that you can learn  and grow and ripen . The fault is in yourself.  Like a popular sayings of the sage , that whatever you throw to the divine palm tree will return it to you with precision , that is,  whatever you plant , you reap. I know of a  man who constantly condemn his wife , and his family , libeling them as evil and wicked , unfaithful and dishonest , without knowing that the nature that push you to such  family , knows, that you need to develop sound capacity to change things , if you really change yourself things around you will change , how can a man fail to learn but want other to learn anything . While dwelling in sorrow when you can change thing one by one , like a proverbial structure that is being laid and built with each  block on another until completion, if you fail to change yourself , then you fail to remold and redefine your own destiny in the universal order of things  . Learn from the great teacher and sage ,  that says , blessing comes from the blessed soul and evil manifest ,  kill and torment the evil soul.

Pure happiness is the rightful and healthy condition of the soul and all may possess it if they will live purely and unselfishly . Is this too hard for you to live a pure loving life !!!, the answer may be yes, the immoral , the drunkard , the glutton , the idle and the evil soul , find it easy  to destroy than to build , the weak man is self destructive being  , the smoker and the talkative and the gossipers are the foundation of their own generation destructive  foundation  Then unrest and unhappiness will continue to dwell with those who are in favor of weak thought . Hence , train yourself to love inner power so as to pass the love to others  around you and build the power that attract miracle, wonders and divine love shall be your lot.

Do you not know that pure happiness and love are contagious , when a man bless his environment and constantly found in forgiving others who   wrong him , will automatically attract divine blessings similar to great divinities and his generation will attract nothing but immense victory in whatever endeavor they may find themselves. Anxiety , irritability , indulgence , despondency, misery , unhappiness, complaining , condemning , and grumbling are thought-cankers  and mind diseases, they are indication  of a wrong  mental disorder and condition  and those who suffer  from them are liable to destructive life and self imposed prison. 

To build remedy is to create and build a positive thought mechanism  and having a good conducts towards others. It is true that there are much miseries and unhappiness and sin in the world , so that our love  and compassion  are needed , but our inner turmoil and misery  are not needed . Our divine love , and happiness are needed to build a stronger family and generations of blessed people  . We can give nothing better to our friends, family and society and the world at large  than  inner cheerfulness, divine love , happiness, smile and good character , without this , all other things are vain , this is the foundation or true wisdom and true  belief and  true religion .

Cease to dwell pessimistically upon the wrongs around you , dwell no more in complaints about  your house, your husbands ,your wives and your job and your family  and cease to revolt against issues, you have a very strong weapon to fight all mischievous  attitude and behavior , that is using simple attitude of prayer that cleanse your inner  state and attract a better and the same response from others and from the universe.
Start  to live free from all wrong and evil conducts and  refrain from evil thought , then peace , harmony , love , victory , success , progress , generational blessings  will be your true state . Free yourself from evil thought , then you free the world from great misery and sorrow. If you would have your home and your surrounding  happy , be happy . You can transform everything  around you if you will transform yourself . Don’t waste yourself in rejection , never bark the bad but chant the beauty  of all and pray for all in the spirit of oneness and divine , and the good in your life will blossom like  the flower and fruit planted at the river bank .

Improve your inner state , think of only things  that  give  you happiness in the past   and learn to  dwell in the state for long  , forgive big and forget  big , but always dwell in gratitude for good  you have in life , and never think of what you do not have right now  , because the science of giving thank is to have more  of good  and blessing  that radiate life from generation to generation then  be happy. Give Thank wherever you may be right now , Give thanks , 100 times  a day and let the spirit of gratitude and appreciation be your lot.


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