
Ifá refers to the system of divination and the verses of the literary corpus known as the Odù Ifá. The Ifá Divination system was added in 2005 by UNESCO to its list of the "Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity".

The Yorùbá religion comprises the traditional religious and spiritual concepts and practices of the Yorùbá people. It has influenced or given birth in the new world to a host of thriving ways of life such as Lucumí, Umbanda and Candomblé.

Our mission is to bring the philosophy, knowledge and wisdom of Ifa to all people, regardless of race, colour, sex or religion in order to promote the welfare and development of all mankind. Life is not just a gift or a present but it is in our responsibility to make best use of our limited time, and wrestling or fighting for what is noble and the best so that we can win the race of happiness, hence a crisis or challenges may or can lead us to greater victory, and joy.

AyeAkamara - Society for the Study of Ifa, Chief Ogunsina Babatunde Olayinka Adewuyi.

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Ogunsina Photo

Monday, 11 May 2015

Difficulty in Life

Difficulty comes not to obstruct but to instruct, and move you nearer to your GOD and in his infinite divinities, to move mountain of problems from your life and will surely show you with mercy.
Success, victory, happiness, and harmony  are  processes of eliminating repeated failure, indulge in prayer, discipline and self control with commitment to faith and hard-work  until victory is inevitable. I shall pray, fast, be positive, and prepare myself spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and divinely, and some day my chance will come.
Elephant doesn't bite, it is mosquitos of the world  that destroy  people, the little things you fail to do will torment you. Avoid gossip, criticism, condemnation, hatred, negative thought and self defeat. The world is big for us to succeed, align with omnipotent GOD, you shall do godly things that will suprise you and the world.
Where there is crisis, focus more on love and prayer, divine will take control, and the change needed will manifest. Fish where there is a fish, always move with prayer, dedicated and disciplined people, because discipline is contagious.
If you are not happy with the way things are, think about the way you would like them to be, and then get busy creating the reality and opportunity you desire. Focus on the future rather than past, focus on the solution rather the problems, with prayer, dedication and faith with hard word.  You will win, the battle may be long, but winning is sure. Extend real love to your fellow men, that is the secret of life. If you cannot help,do not destroy.
The act of writing down your desire and your wants and  complete it with daily prayer and fasting,  attracts  more success and victory than commiting them to memory and manifest non charlatan attitude toward it.
All is well.


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