
Ifá refers to the system of divination and the verses of the literary corpus known as the Odù Ifá. The Ifá Divination system was added in 2005 by UNESCO to its list of the "Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity".

The Yorùbá religion comprises the traditional religious and spiritual concepts and practices of the Yorùbá people. It has influenced or given birth in the new world to a host of thriving ways of life such as Lucumí, Umbanda and Candomblé.

Our mission is to bring the philosophy, knowledge and wisdom of Ifa to all people, regardless of race, colour, sex or religion in order to promote the welfare and development of all mankind. Life is not just a gift or a present but it is in our responsibility to make best use of our limited time, and wrestling or fighting for what is noble and the best so that we can win the race of happiness, hence a crisis or challenges may or can lead us to greater victory, and joy.

AyeAkamara - Society for the Study of Ifa, Chief Ogunsina Babatunde Olayinka Adewuyi.

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Ogunsina Photo

Sunday, 1 February 2015

You are true vivid Divinity manifesting in what is called “ORI strong mental state”

Every human or creature has his purpose and objective of being created. You are created to do special purpose through acting like a sheep and the shepherd. The shepherd must care so much about the sheep to the extent of laying down his life for the sheep.

That is the reason; you will see the shepherd in his astute state or shrewd form through discipline to take the lead of the sheep in the cruelest environment or through desert or jungle of life. The shepherd cares not about his own life, but the lives of those he intends to vicar or lead. They do not believe in earthly wages and reward, because their reward comes from spiritual realm which is the summation of different head he leads to attain success, progress and victory.

Remember that you have husband or wife to lead, and also children or family to lead, or a small group to lead- that benefits from your positive attitude, your words of encouragement, your discipline and your mental self-control and your divine help that attract abundant spiritual blessing to their lives.

Never do anything contrary to destroy the believe and the faith of these people, and never indulge in your personal satisfaction and self- aggrandizement or self- boasting that you can do this or you can do that without given obeisance to the father of light working through his divinities to effect positive changes in the life of the sheep or the lives of the devotees.

Spiritual consciousness works in alignment with natural laws, hence certain rules must be followed before certain things will be given to you. No matter your contact with OLODUMARE and his numerous divinities, you must always ensure discipline, self-control, knowing yourself and the realm you are connecting and the energy you intend to manipulate to give you the needed result to protect your family and your life, your marriage, your job, your work, your relatives and to ensure peace in the lives of IFA devotees. 

Always try to maintain your home or your husband, your wife, your family and your group or your sheep, or your devotees under any bad circumstances and conditions.

To be a good leader and to improve your spiritual consciousness, you need to develop sound moral values through dedication to spiritual steps, offer your sacrifices at the right times, doing your initiation at the appointed time, ensure that you propitiate your ORI at the required period because ORI is an embodiment of your divine state in the physical realm of existence.

You are mental and soul force that speak of wisdom, understanding and knowledge of the spiritual, divine and physical activities. Whenever you make use of this mental soul force, you ensure moderation in your steps, in your thought and in your activities.

You build up your habit on spiritual foundation, open your heart to keep your body clean through proper diet, exercise and strong will.  You keep your soul open emotionally so that you are willing to dialogue with your husband or wife,   and involve people in the problem and work out solutions together. You listen to solve every problem or disagreement without rancor or resentment. You open yourself mentally to meet up your mental demand in form of learning your Odu and the lives of many divinities, and keep your life in alignment with the good they have done in the world of matter.

Keep your soul, spirit and heart open spiritually so that your life will be in accordance with higher power, and in alignment with divinities and OLODUMARE, whose foundation is services to benefit others. Hence learn to conquer yourself through the knowledge of GOD and the meekness of deities, and the divine love of Divinity, to rectify all evil curse of bad Ori  and turn every evil into good for your destiny fulfillment.

Whoever forget his spiritual values most especially his propitiation of his ORI, forget his essence . According to IFA verse


Realize that you become weak and sublime to all evil manipulations through your lack of spiritual steps, and weak mental state, which is weak ORI.  A wolf will not tell or notify the shepherd that he is coming to attack the sheep, since he needs the meat of the sheep for his own survival and victory. While AJOGUN ORUN, that is the punitive knight of heavenly doom such as disease, illness, sickness, lawsuit, loss, destruction, death, and other negative vibration will not notify you before make a sudden attack on your life through its medium.

The medium are sickness, diseases, untimely death, loss, destruction, lawsuit and other negative vibrations. Let the wife and the husband be on their guild and guard. Let the group be on a constant watch, and the couples be on watch out, because the thieves always make a sudden attack on the prey to get much of their loots. Never become an evil prey to the evil of the world and the peril or danger of the unseen.

The only way to keep them away from your life and the lives of the beloved ones is through prayer, positive words of meekness, pure love, sacrifices, wisdom of spiritual and divine steps, initiations and other important spiritual steps, sound mental state and your belief are ordinarily fundamental to provide enormous security, protection and guidance to your life, the lives of the beloved ones and your future generation.

IFA says, no one respects, loves and adores divinities and OLODUMARE. He or she does not see when he or she fails to forgive and forget the mistake of his wife and the error of his husband and the shortcomings of his brother and sisters, and the agony and the insult he constantly receives from the sheep he leads or must lead. To revenge or believe in vengeance is the foundation of negative spiritual build up, and to elucidate what IKA MEJI tells and teaches us that 


Never revenge evil with evil and never let your anger last more than a day, because a compulsive anger is what is called ESU BELEKE, that the negative force of ESU working through your life and if not curbed , it can cause generation destruction or curse.

Analyze your habit and your mind. If your act is what I described above, you quickly make a change and concentrate more your sound moral attitude, try to know yourself before knowing others, control your thought, your attitude and your steps, before controlling or intend to be in control of others, and give yourself a thorough analysis of spiritual awareness, to know you are in the right path of life or not.

Be involved in all spiritual steps to know that the world of spirit is not for the weak, for the angered, for the self- centered, for the impostors, for the thoughtless and self–imposed being or for the low mental being, or indiscipline. To become a good husband, you must possess a good quality of leader, which you must be ready to sacrifice your own life for your partners or for your wife.

Likewise, a wise woman or wife must be ready to forgive and forget the shortcoming of the husband to be able to manage her home. Every human is a leader at what he or she knows, or can do best. Be strong in your spiritual path and have a self- discipline that equates discipline of divinities and the divine love that spring from divine abode of GOD. A man and a woman that possesses these qualities will overcome all earthily adversaries and the wolf, the tiger, the hyenas, and the lion of the jungle as long as he or she lives.

Remember that relationship is built on trust, good vision, humility, courage, faith, believe and divine love. These are the foundation of wisdom, strength, understanding and power. The house that commands and attracts the support of divinities is the home that speaks of discipline of body, soul, heart, mind and emotion. Hence never think only about yourself, to avoid self- centeredness. Think of and focus on building spiritual principles that creates a divine love to all those around you, and is ready to sacrifice your time, life and other precious things for others.

Live by discipline and give love without limit. Forgive, as if no one can make your angry every day, and forget the mistake of the past to enable you moving forward in life and look for the good of those who have offended you one way or the others. Pray for your friends and enemies alike, when mistakes or errors happened in your life. Never point accusing fingers to what have gone wrong in your life, take a spiritual step to rectify all errors, let the unknown or the spiritual and sound mental power dictates your life.

Let the spirit show you the way, and never get or think of revenge or quit, because  the place you stand and stay are full of the power, glory, abundance of OLODUMARE and his numerous divinities. Hence success, progress, harmony and victory radiate your space, your home, your life, your partners, your family, your step mother, your step father, your parents, your region, your country and the whole world you reside.

Remember that the devil you know is better than the unknown angel. May OLODUMARE fill your mind, life and soul with abundant wisdom and love, may Irunmoles improve your mental power to cooperate with your surrounding without error and rancor , all is well, Ase.


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