
Ifá refers to the system of divination and the verses of the literary corpus known as the Odù Ifá. The Ifá Divination system was added in 2005 by UNESCO to its list of the "Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity".

The Yorùbá religion comprises the traditional religious and spiritual concepts and practices of the Yorùbá people. It has influenced or given birth in the new world to a host of thriving ways of life such as Lucumí, Umbanda and Candomblé.

Our mission is to bring the philosophy, knowledge and wisdom of Ifa to all people, regardless of race, colour, sex or religion in order to promote the welfare and development of all mankind. Life is not just a gift or a present but it is in our responsibility to make best use of our limited time, and wrestling or fighting for what is noble and the best so that we can win the race of happiness, hence a crisis or challenges may or can lead us to greater victory, and joy.

AyeAkamara - Society for the Study of Ifa, Chief Ogunsina Babatunde Olayinka Adewuyi.

Ogunsina Photo

Ogunsina Photo

Saturday 13 December 2014

Why initiating is a question frequently asked

Just as food adds vigour and strength to life, sacrifice and rituals with initiations add vigour and strength to spiritual development. No human can survive well without food and water and other physical materials necessary to make life more interesting and dynamics, just like a life without sacrifice, rituals, prayer, initiations and fasting are meaningless and devastating, and one will live a life of fool and hopelessness that can attract generational curse and destroy generational happiness. 

Build up your spiritual step on initiations, prayer, sacrifice, fasting, rituals, propitiation, and self discipline to attract the best from infinite realm of GOD and to illuminate and increase generational blessing. A wise man who is affected with a disease , either emotional disease, spiritual disease or physical ailment, will try to stop such disease by any means so as to be passed from him to his children and his future generation.

While the fool do whatever he believes to die in his foolishness and pass the symptom of his habit to future generation, a man may fail or pass in life based on his attitude, if he has the right attitude first to his spiritual wisdom and self discipline, he shall scale through the hurdles of life and he will possess enough immune to defeat all wars of life. 

Be attentive to spiritual details. Just as food strengthened  the body immune system , if you eat the right food , and the water cleanse the body from toxic organism, and exercises  build up the body tissues and body strength, while cloth, and shoes, cover the body from excessive cool, heat and other energy that will destroy the body and weaken the physical existence to the grave, if not well covered, and cap on the head to keep the head and the body warm, and your need other materials to keep the body fit to carry out  his functions as a power house of the soul, which is unseen, but it is the reality of life in the physical state of existence.  

Hence maintain your spiritual step without compromise, to give your soul, your mind and your generation yet unseen the blessing, security and protection needed to live a better life in the jungle of the world. Never belief or fear the enemies you only see and you can challenge. 

What about the enemies in the spiritual realm you cannot see, you can not challenge or withstand? With your physical effort, you should not be deceived. If you are waiting for the elephant to jump, and buffalo to fly, you are waiting for impossible, and nothing will change in your life. If you do not seek for the change, do not become OGBERI, according to IFA, who live their life without any spiritual understanding and protection, believing that things will change by the natural law of life. 

Nothing changes, if you do not move to change them. Change your thought on your spiritual progress and step and be disciplined to carry of spiritual steps and you shall see the flood of spiritual blessing coming to you and your generation without blockage from ajogun orun (punitive knight of heavenly doom that manifest in form of death, disease, loss, failure, destruction, lawsuit and other negative vibration from spiritual real), elenini (those who hate you without any cause) and other physical disturbances in the jungle of the world.

All is well.


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