
Ifá refers to the system of divination and the verses of the literary corpus known as the Odù Ifá. The Ifá Divination system was added in 2005 by UNESCO to its list of the "Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity".

The Yorùbá religion comprises the traditional religious and spiritual concepts and practices of the Yorùbá people. It has influenced or given birth in the new world to a host of thriving ways of life such as Lucumí, Umbanda and Candomblé.

Our mission is to bring the philosophy, knowledge and wisdom of Ifa to all people, regardless of race, colour, sex or religion in order to promote the welfare and development of all mankind. Life is not just a gift or a present but it is in our responsibility to make best use of our limited time, and wrestling or fighting for what is noble and the best so that we can win the race of happiness, hence a crisis or challenges may or can lead us to greater victory, and joy.

AyeAkamara - Society for the Study of Ifa, Chief Ogunsina Babatunde Olayinka Adewuyi.

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Sunday, 21 December 2014

Character is Destiny , likewise Identity is Destiny

Whomever you intend to become or whomever you intend to identify yourself with, determine your life , your living, your loving life, and your leaving a legacy of a great man or woman to your world .  Your identification stem from your character and your discipline life.  You put up your tent with good and  divine structure through a character you developed. If you develop a good character, it means you are putting up your tent with a good master and teacher of destiny, the infinite intelligent that brought all things into existence, the foundation of all that is created, seen and unseen in the cosmos.
You can as well develop your evil character then the outcome of your destiny will be of the same frequency.  Do you know that there are two ways to  the path of life?  One is broad , well traveled  road to self destruction, easy and congested that leads to failure, agony, pain and worry. While the other road is narrow, strict and uncomfortable that calls for discipline, dedication and determination with absolute strength of mind that is stronger than lion and tiger alike. This road leads to success , eternal bliss and victory.
These two roads lead to two final destinations and legacies never imagined by men when the race started. One road is quick fixing, short cut approach or philosophy to life, which contradicts the law of spirit and divine principles, while the other leads to greatness which is a systemic climbing of the step and the mountain of life that guarantees growth and development inside out .
The first road  revolves round  ego, gossiping, complaining and competitiveness,  because of large number of people trending on the path, showing of illusive theory of self improvement, negative thought of all sort, that speaks of self as a master in life, doubt and worry. The other road  is the creative  force that induces a spiritual phenomenon of success, strength, power, positive thought and dedication.
Inspire others to be freed  from their boundage and pray for the happiness of others without losing their own happiness.  Deep within every human is an inner thought of living a life of happiness, success and greatness. Doubt may come into you in the beginning , but with deep spiritual commitment , dedication and total discipline , you will regain your birthright and attain the life of your choice .
Do not listen to mouth diviners, who divine for you with word of mouth, telling you that you do not need any extra effort or strength to grow.  Nothing grows in the cosmos without effort, every living and non living , every seen and unseen grow to a greater proportion with a lot of spiritual effort on their part and discipline to maintain such growth, so that life will not dealt a dead blow to their success.
The weak shall be consumed, remember that your discipline life coupled with your constant attention will make a difference to save your life and the lives  of those who are with you on the same path of victory . Explain to the people going on the boat that they should be alert and be in constant watch-out  in prayer, because the tide or the waves may come and hit the boat anytime. The thief does not come with notice, but  when the owner is prepared, then he ward off the thief and his house is secured.  Secure your life through dedication, promptness, discipline, determination and preparedness against evil, failure , bad emotions, and worry shall flee from you .

Do you know that there are two wars going constantly within you and in your mind , body , heart and your spirit? These are the daily war that can either take you to victory and success,  or the daily war that can attract self destruction , fear and worry.  One  part of the war tells you  that you cannot succeed , you do not have the capacities, all things will work out for your downfall, there is no power in you , you will not make it to final destination , because there is no strength in you . You remember that  some of your friends do not succeed, hence you will not succeed, this negative war is constantly going on in your mind , in your heart , and you feed it with great weapon of doubt , laziness, weakness, unpreparedness, quick fixing attitude and frustrated habit.
During this war you only believe what you see, and whatever you see with your eyes deceives you and tells you of great sorrow, accident, killing and all sort of pains  in the universe.  Indeed , it is very easy to fail , it is very easy to go with tides, and waves of life, it is equally easy to succumb to fate and tell yourself that life is not easy , and life is not a  bed of roses, and life makes a sound negative impact on me or you because of unseen forces or enemies working against your success.  It is easy to leave the body to undergo destruction, it is easy to  say  that black is beautiful , white is elegant , grass is green on other side of your fence  while roses are red, these are the saying of parrot  that brings no solution.  
Remember that your body has survival instint , you must protect  it , ensure  it undergoes  rigorously exercise and discipline, prepared it and subjected it to extreme exercise to manufacture a good product  and exhibit  a sound physical state,  while the heart must view love  and your mind  must learn old principles of IFA and ODUS  so as to leave a spiritual, mental, emotional and physical legacies that will last from generation to generation.
You need to prepare your virgen land which is the realm  of soul , mind and spirit. The realm of unseen, the seat of wisdom, power and knowledge, where all good things are manufactured with extreme discipline, dedication and determination.  Hence, the body must be sound to be able to withstand its function of carrying out its spiritual principle. Do you not know that spiritual exercise  is invisible  power  that stem from divine origin,  which is the realm of reality because every real state of life grows from unknown  before finding its root in the physical  state,  and grows well when nurtured and improves itself  to satisfy  and benefits  other creatures in creation? Immediately body fulfills its destiny , it withers into unknown.
Men of wisdom  do not destroy their destiny by identifying with bad attitude and bad habit. Let your destiny be fulfilled with a sound positive attitude that called for patience, calmness and divine love which is termed as IWA PELE.  Remember that prayer is just mere words planted in the cosmos, which must be daily nurtured to grow into full growing seeds and fruits, that will later feed us and  others around us . The question of greatness starts from mere prayer that becomes a daily attitude and habit, that will change your world and the world around you, and attitude that are simple, directed toward certain positive objectives.
Discipline in the habit of prayer means the foundation of life based on spiritual progress. Food is taken daily to ensure sound growth, while prayer or IWURE must be a daily habit to ensure sound spiritual growth and development. Your ability to take action sterms from your mind power, which is unseen strongest vibration in the cosmos and its manifestation are the function of good habit  and good character. No plants and leaves  grow well without clearing the weed and ensuring that human and animal do not steal both in the day and in the night. You must be a good watch dog  and sound night guard, if not, your seeds  and fruits are taken away from you. 
Remember always that agony, weakness, sorrow, negative mental state, indiscipline, unprepared life and quick fixing are the thieves and robbers of happiness, victory, success, strong mental state, light and  progress. Never leave yourself to the wave of faith and enjoy playing a lottery card that seeks for quick fix or solution to life problems. Do not be illuded, it takes time, effort and dedication to move from darkness to light and to reach a far destination. Houses, big buildings or large structures are built little by little. With daily commitment to success your life will witness success through dedication, determination, discipline and endurance.
Your wellness is a result of good habit, if not your good habit of the presence, it is of good habit from your past life. Remember that no soul is new, you either reap what you have sowed and about to reap  what you still sowing. But you can change everything or erase any error of the past  through spiritual development and wisdom,  and error of the present can be rectified through changing good habit.  Cultivate good habit  and good character now that will later have positive effects on your life  and will  leave a lasting legacy on your family, your society and your generation yet unborn.
Remember that the field  of mind  is the secret of power, the seat of abundant energies. Hence use the mind to practise prayer habit that will effect miracle and wonders in your life. Believe in your words that come out of your mouth, the word from your mouth  commands a radiation and vibration of higher proportion, and goes to the cosmos to bring back what is great, sound, healthy and wealthy to your life. Believe in your mind, and your spirit after overcoming the part that is dark, doom, destructive, doubtful , and worrisome. That is OYEKU  and grow the part of your mind, soul and spirit that is full of light, love, sound habit,  good character and mind that tell you, you can do it , you can succeed, you can learn, you can grow well , and  you can develop and you can leave a lasting legacy  for other to enjoy and develop, that is OGBE.
The battle to retain a good destiny and good habit starts from your sound spiritual state and to grow  it daily. also starts from your spiritual consciousness, spiritual development and discipline, devotion  and dedication. Never leave the field of your soul uncultivated. Plant very well  the seed of faith, seed of discipline,  seed of just, seed of humility, seed of love, seed of peace, seed of harmony, seed of hope, seed of hard working , seed of dedication to work and to family life, seed of endurance, the seed of walking and working forward in the face of adversity and strong enemies  to have the crop of success, victory , progress, long life, and happiness .
All these are outcome of effort and dedication to spiritual, mental and emotional improvement and physical strenght and emotional equilibrium. Do anyone tells you that you do not need to be involved in any task or job , or carry out any work , or have any responsibility  before you can change your destiny  for the best ? It is a bad teacher, a weak mind and feable and indolent , it is a total  illusive agent of ignorance, and non spiritual growth, lack of physical development. Every seed is plant with effort, and every seed grows from the land with effort, and every seed grows into proper fruits with effort.  Efforts are needed  in all human endeavour, just as the physical state needs your effort and participation, your spiritual life needs more of your effort and responsibility to germinate and grow into full blowing rising stars and sun .
Your participation is fundamental  and necessary. Do you not know that most ignorant and foolish people developed a total blindness to their own challenges and shortcoming? Living an undisciplined  life, indulged in  immoralities, pursued too many vague things and engageg in too many philosophy  without knowing that the simplest things are the most illuminating enigma to the soul rising up to meet the light. Life fulfillment and the simplest things are the natural things that help life to grow and attain its glory. Never seek too much philosophies , and theories that convince and take you from the path of light.
Be traditional and primitive in your spiritual growth, be adamant in your discipline, and be strong to dedicate to spiritual, mental, emotional and physical principles of growth, love, discipline and dedication to what is just, and honesty .  Never pursue two rats  in the jungle, to avoid total loss of the two,  always stick to the principle of self participation, self control and self discipline, prayer, and other spiritual growth that speaks of the power of OLODUMARE and his numerous divinities to guard you and your family to happy destination.
Be guarded  in the wisdom of IFA  and pursue the knowledge of OLODUMARE to avoid earthly suffering  and eternal pains. Most people suffer because they cannot see their problems, and when they see the problems, they are blind and deaf to the problem, they destroy their own destiny through stubborness , unyielding attitude, unfaithful  to OLODUMARE and to the divinities. They are dishonest to their fellow men and destroy their power of perception, intuition and communication through their immoral act , and non-chalant attitude. They learn but fail to put their learning into practice, they were told to do one thing, they will do another, they swim in the murky water of stubborness, wailing in their own misfortune, anger and tricks. They shun the path of wisdom , light , discipline and determination. They follow the path of weakness, immoral , unfaithful , and blind to the truth , seeking illusion  and they promise what they cannot do, gambling with their life , as if life has duplicate. They move around like rats seeking  food they did not plant at times they take and eat poison in the place of food, since they rarily wait for the spiritual promise that attune from the fountain of wisdom  and knowledge, and impatient to have a long last relationship .
They are glutton that eat to attract sickness, lack and immovable and stagnate  in life because of emotional disequilibrium and failure  which culminate to untimely death . They point accusing fingers to others for their shortcoming, failures and woos. They fail to understand  that indiscipline is one of the principal cause and foundation of failure , pains and agony. Sugar and cookies are sweet in the beginning,  but aftermath of both can be deadly and painful, while compulsive eating is good  in the beginning,   but the end result is glazed with problem, obesity, rancour, depression, and gluttony.
While drunkard see himself as the most happiest man in the world, but the end results are laced with frustration and rejection by the men and the spirit. In reality, smoking , drunkness, and immoral  damage the house and temple of spirit  and make a mockery of spiritual development.
If you want a change in your life, improve on your behaviour, your mind, your attitude and habit. Cultivate the mind of power that supress evil thought, idleness, indolence and indiscipline. If you improve your habit , your destiny will improve for the best. Your habit determines your destiny . Cultivate your  good habit and your destiny will witness a change for the best . Look within yourself  to change your habit now, forget about what society does not do to favor you. When you improve  the smallest part of your life, the whole part will improve. Start little by little, never postpone your starting date till tomorrow, start now , to change your world. Little improvement in your habit leads to huge fulfillment in your destiny. To change inside out you need positive character, dedication, positive energy and sound moral values  that stem from spiritual, mental and emotional and physical discipline.
Develope a spiritual power that gives you internal strength to swim against the current criticism, negative thought, demoralizing insulting forces in the family, among friends and your community . You must become an island of wisdom and good character in the sea of immoralites, indiscipline and indolence. Dedicate  your life to something meaningful, family, job, helping others, loving your spiritual life, your community, your country and your world.
Always be grateful to everything in life, cultivate the spirit of gratitude and thanks, let your life radiate with prayer, be committed to your job , use your work as theraphy to gain freedom from depression and agony. Your great habit will make you a great man or woman that will lead to great life, here now and there after.


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