
Ifá refers to the system of divination and the verses of the literary corpus known as the Odù Ifá. The Ifá Divination system was added in 2005 by UNESCO to its list of the "Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity".

The Yorùbá religion comprises the traditional religious and spiritual concepts and practices of the Yorùbá people. It has influenced or given birth in the new world to a host of thriving ways of life such as Lucumí, Umbanda and Candomblé.

Our mission is to bring the philosophy, knowledge and wisdom of Ifa to all people, regardless of race, colour, sex or religion in order to promote the welfare and development of all mankind. Life is not just a gift or a present but it is in our responsibility to make best use of our limited time, and wrestling or fighting for what is noble and the best so that we can win the race of happiness, hence a crisis or challenges may or can lead us to greater victory, and joy.

AyeAkamara - Society for the Study of Ifa, Chief Ogunsina Babatunde Olayinka Adewuyi.

Ogunsina Photo

Ogunsina Photo

Saturday 1 November 2014


You are blessed and illuminated and start all your word with prayer and end it with prayer. It is the only language of GOD and his numerous divinities. Prayer cleanses our lives and brings our lives back on track to link with the source of lives and true being, which is the foundation of everything in the cosmos.

Egungun and Egun are not the same word.  Egungun is the right word, that is the spirit of our ancestors and the power behind ancestral worship and ancestral rhythmic vibration of greater proportion that attract blessing to us from the spiritual real with the support of divinities.
Hence to really feel the power of Egungun , we need to initiate  into  the cult, then a higher vibration will be established between you and the ancestral power. Hence you will need the initiations before you can have a right contact with the vibration.

Egun, depend on the sign, it means evil curse or evil spelt on someone, it is the evil vibration and negative energy from higher force to the lower entity, it may be a curse from one person to another, or from the father or mother to the son or daughter or vice versa, and from deities to human because of the errors of the past life.

The best way to avoid this evil curse according to IFA is through Iwa, good character which is entity within all human to attain spiritual , emotional , divine mental and physical discipline, with concrete illumination to develop our soul to love all things in creation.

Hence Egungun is an ancestral power while Egun is the negative vibration and generation curse from one person to another or from spiritual source based on the evil habit of our fore-fathers or  from generation inadequacies or errors  of our parents or grand parents.

We should know how to use word correctly to attract either blessing or curse to our lives


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