
Ifá refers to the system of divination and the verses of the literary corpus known as the Odù Ifá. The Ifá Divination system was added in 2005 by UNESCO to its list of the "Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity".

The Yorùbá religion comprises the traditional religious and spiritual concepts and practices of the Yorùbá people. It has influenced or given birth in the new world to a host of thriving ways of life such as Lucumí, Umbanda and Candomblé.

Our mission is to bring the philosophy, knowledge and wisdom of Ifa to all people, regardless of race, colour, sex or religion in order to promote the welfare and development of all mankind. Life is not just a gift or a present but it is in our responsibility to make best use of our limited time, and wrestling or fighting for what is noble and the best so that we can win the race of happiness, hence a crisis or challenges may or can lead us to greater victory, and joy.

AyeAkamara - Society for the Study of Ifa, Chief Ogunsina Babatunde Olayinka Adewuyi.

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Monday 7 February 2011

Humility & Prayers

When we are following a spiritual path there are moments, hours and days during which we enjoy real peace of mind.  This state of serenity is a priceless gift given to us either from extensive spiritual commitment, prayer, fasting, honesty or faith in the higher power.  It is nothing short of something miraculous considering that our emotions in the past, before we decided to embark on the spiritual path were usually  limited to excitement, anxiety, anger, rage, fury, hatred, complaints, criticism, depression, negative thinking, hurt, jealousy, envy, revenge  and condemnation.
 To bring about this inner peace and tranquility many changes have had to take place in our lives and to be spiritual is not only to believe in GOD but to really change our lives so we can meet physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges that confront us. We also need to uncover our true selves and come to grips with the self centeredness which can lead to emotional imbalance.  We also need to change our attitude, modify our behavior and learn new and more realistic ways of getting along with ourselves and the people around us.
It is of the greatest significance that we have come to believe in a power greater than ourselves. A basic premise for our life today should be to seek GO’s will for us and doing our best to carry it out.  The more we are able to put aside our own limited desire and to align our thinking and action with GODs plan, the more humility we will gain and this is the key to serenity and is found on the road from self centeredness to humility.
The secret of that serenity is the fact that we have come to believe and trust GOD and his numerous divinities to guide and support us – to care for us and our needs. But some of us restrain ourselves in anticipation of a doubtful reaction and others question how can you put so much faith in something you cannot see or hear, something that may not even exist? How can you trust in a power that few people can explain and no one really understands? These are a few questions that make some people doubt the existence of GOD or spirit or divinities. Some people decide to be called atheist and believe that the word GOD has no fundamental meaning and connotation in the mind and the life of the human being.  Just because you don’t see or know your great grandfather does not mean they have no real existence or that they did not existed in the past. Where do you think that the soul of our loved one goes? Where is the machine that propels you to action, or directs your life knowingly or unknowingly? Can you really locate the spirit in you that give you life from any part of your body? What is the secret behind your sleeping and the waking up? Where the energy that changes the waves on the ocean and makes possible the reflection of your image in form of images and shadows? No human has power to either control the shadow or make it to stay or disappear. These are secrets telling about the existence of higher powers and the vibration of God’s eternal glory.  Change your perception and commit all your worries unto GOD. Let him fight the battles of your life for you and give you the victory you deserve. This does not mean that you can avoid doing your part; you must try to walk your path right by exercising your birthright through spiritual, mental and physical activities. Doing this you will discover the secrets of long life, happiness, serenity, joy, dedication, power and strength in the growing understanding of cosmic energy.
 If God had gone ahead and shared the secrets of creation with us it would never make sense to us. This is the other part of the secret, that we will never be able to understand GOD and his divinities in their perfection and glory. But we do not need to try to understand him, because of the numerous manifestations in creation that is witness to his glory. All we really have to do is to make a leap of faith, a leap from the restrictions of our limited minds to the freedom of GOD’s infinite wisdom, power and love.  
 There are so many questions bordering on our limited intelligent and wisdom. We questioned our existence on the physical plane and many sees it as insignificant and see our purpose in the world as worthless. This reveals little light and little wisdom. Do you think the creator creates for fun or the producer produces solely for the joy of producing? Everything under the sun has a purpose. Our creation and purpose are real and they are significant in the realm of divine understanding. Nobody can question a farmer or tell him what to produce or what to plant. He uses his power and wisdom to do what is expected of him. Nobody tells to an artist how to make his art or to a builder how to build or make him do what he does not like or what he does like. He creates every image to serve a purpose, hence your being is of great importance to yourself, to your former life, to your divinities, to the society and to your GOD.  Never worry about the unknown but always commit yourself to the path that leads to the infinite father of light. Do this and he shall straighten your way and he shall give you the desires of your heart made possible by the greatest vibration in the universe. Let your desire be positive and let what you create be purposeful so that nature will reward and compensate you with great joy, happiness and wealth.  Let what you create from your mind be of good purposes and mission so that the reward will be of an equally great purpose. Take creation on as your guide and act upon this so you will receive what you give out in the same or greater proportions than what you originally gave out. Be a positive man of great purpose and believe that there is power or vibration watching all your steps and acts. There is a purpose for doing both good and bad but doing good is good and will give more goodness, because this is the basis for GOD’s indwelling power in all man. In order to be truly good you need to be watchful in your spiritual activities and you need to be the disciple or follower of good purpose which is GOD and be motivated to do good deeds from your inner goodness.  You are a part of larger good purpose and the purpose of your being is revealed when you are doing what is good. You will then be a part of a larger purpose that invites beings to live out their purpose. Remember that your prayers are a divine vibration you send out to the universe and the world at large without you moving from your place of residence or the environment you are living. In this we replicate the ways of GOD. Whatever good thinking that comes from your mind in the form of prayers is the greatest vibration in creation and can attract goodness and purpose in all of creation. Be purposeful and be positive in whatever situation you find yourself in. All challenges are a wakeup call to seek the light of GOD and the knowledge of the divine world.
 Watch what you eat and drink, what you think and what you say, these are mediums that can bring out our good purpose and bring goodness to the world. Man should not be addicted to food, drink, sex or intoxications. He should show discipline in all ways to be able to be a good disciple of GOD and manifest his good purpose. Whoever eats without caution has something within him or her that is eating him up.  The end result of addictive behavior and compulsive eating are sickness, fatness, illness and dullness – qualities that will make you lose your purpose and be an evil vibration in the world that hinders purpose instead of fortifying it.  
Control your mind so what you think can reveal purpose and goodness. This will enable the spirit of GOD and his numerous divinities to enter into you for their good purposes. Evil minds are the basis of evil thinking and evil acts; the foundation and basis for the soul of malefic sorcerers. Be cautious with your mind because men are made evil by their thoughts and your thinking is the greatest machinery for your good and purposeful life of GOD’s indwelling force
 Control what you want to say so that your word can command the greatest benefit in the forms of divine teachings that brings harmony to your life so you can give solace to others.  A good word will bring both obi (Kola nut, symbol of friendship) and gold from the pockets of our fellow men while evil utterance will bring swords from their pockets. Your words must be in accordance with divine guidance, your word must serve as comfort to people around you; this is a part of our purpose.
 Remember to be natural and genuine as long as you live. To be natural means that whatever you do, eat or drink you will do according to the divine dictate of GOD.  From time to time set some time aside for going through a fasting, if you are strong enough to do so. If you do not have enough power, try to set aside 8 days every month when you will eat only fruits and vegetables. Combine this dietary regime with prayer and walking so that you can live well in the physical plane. This will lead to a healthy and positive spiritual life and create a wonderful dwelling in the divine realm of existence.  Do this and all shall be well with you!
Ase O!
Baba Ogunsina  

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