
Ifá refers to the system of divination and the verses of the literary corpus known as the Odù Ifá. The Ifá Divination system was added in 2005 by UNESCO to its list of the "Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity".

The Yorùbá religion comprises the traditional religious and spiritual concepts and practices of the Yorùbá people. It has influenced or given birth in the new world to a host of thriving ways of life such as Lucumí, Umbanda and Candomblé.

Our mission is to bring the philosophy, knowledge and wisdom of Ifa to all people, regardless of race, colour, sex or religion in order to promote the welfare and development of all mankind. Life is not just a gift or a present but it is in our responsibility to make best use of our limited time, and wrestling or fighting for what is noble and the best so that we can win the race of happiness, hence a crisis or challenges may or can lead us to greater victory, and joy.

AyeAkamara - Society for the Study of Ifa, Chief Ogunsina Babatunde Olayinka Adewuyi.

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Wednesday 14 July 2010

Spiritual fitness and spiritual weakness; the choice is yours

Spiritual fitness has become a new way to live a better life both here and beyond. When we are spiritually fit we will have a solid sense of God’s presence and love. The divine mercy induces success and the feeling of well being.  It is easier to accept whatever comes our way when we possess inner poise, strength and serenity. If we also possess a desire to serve others, divinity and God we will see our life as entirely dependent upon higher forces and doing our part right the higher vibration will restore to strength the ones who are beyond human help.
 As with any other form of fitness spiritual fitness is something we need to work to maintain continuously. Just as doctors go to school to learn to become a good doctors, continue to read and read and read until the end if he wants to practice the profession without flaws we need to be diligent in our ways. Just as the athlete can lose muscle tone and endurance when he cease to exercise  in like manner  we lose the sense of purpose  and well being if we neglect our regular spiritual activity. Spiritual focus is unique and induces the most pragmatic power in the universe. Some of the ways we can use to nourish our spiritual life is to seek closeness with THE HIGHER POWER through regular prayer, meditation, sacrifices, rituals and other spiritual activities. If we regularly participate in those activities which we find spiritually fulfilling, such as seeking oneness with nature, helping others, interacting with other spiritually aware people, dealing with people in honest ways, forgiving those who torment or forsake us and forget all the past error we will grow conscious of our blessing, mercy and comfort. This realization will motivate us to sincerely express our gratitude to God and his innumerous messengers that carry out all works according to divine law. Other activities that can strengthen our connection with God is to withdraw from eating, in the form of fasting and prayer to be able to connect to the HIGHER POWER. Likewise we should avoid resentment, anger, superstition, hatred and bitterness. All of this should be a part of our daily and regular activities so that we would not lose the muscle of spiritual blessing. Blessed and successful beings are those who seek to develop themselves spiritually and pursue it to the end of their life so that they can attain blessings to themselves and their lineage now and forever. The blessing of God goes to the people with spiritual capacities to excel in the face of challenge.
Spiritual weakness comes from the fact that we are not making any progress in dealing with a life of resentments and long term stress that have been a huge curse in our life. We fail to realize that our resentment, hatred and emotional disequilibrium hurt us more than any enemy can.  Our recollection of evil events, people or nations, parents or partners that disappoint us brings often to our mind sorrow, anger and resentment, even if these things often are as easy to discard with the wave of hand. Instead the resentment makes the spiritually weak to dwell on annoying situations, hanging on to trivial issues which do not deserve our attention and importance. We over burden ourselves with heavy loads of negative vibration that  damages our life, shorten our life and give us incurable diseases that can pass from generation to generation.  If such negative patterns are not properly eradicated it can become family curses or a family illness. How can we change this? It is very simple. We change this If we put our trust in Olodumare and sincerely ask him to relieve us from our resentment and instead bring to us wisdom so we can come to accept evil and good with gratitude. Try to understand that the appearance of the sun is not always useful to everyone, likewise the winter does not always benefit every soul - but adaptation makes a difference. Strive to create avenues to accept things you do not have control over and give thanks to the ALMIGHT FATHER OF LIGHT that gave you life and the ability to see both the positive and negative side of life and who also gave you the wisdom of adaptation.
No one will disagree that anger creates stress. When we get angry our adrenaline flows, our heart beats faster and our breathing becomes rapid and shallow. If we don’t quickly deal with our anger the stress can develop into resentment and we will re-experience the stress each time we mentally think about the event that made us angry. Many of us have carried resentment and damaged our God given health and life because of incompetence, ignorance and lack of wisdom. We fail to realize that long term stress can cause physical symptoms, ranging from muscle tension to the weakening of the body’s immune system. Many of us have allowed resentment, anger and hatred to accumulate and burden us for years. We have never fully overcome our hurtful experience, such as parental abuse, family abuse, governmental abuse, lack of love, rejection, hate from partners, hate from children, hate from friends and other peculiar problems of the past, present and the future. Our feelings may have been justified when those experiences first occurred, indeed, we pay a generational , emotional and physical price by continuing  to recreate them in our mind and have the idea of vengeance  and retaliation. 
Life is better when we have wisdom that whatever comes our way is not to hurt us but  to redefine and  to refine  our soul and give us the opportunity to correct past error, present error and future errors. No one lives without challenges. In order to move in the part of light, wisdom and knowledge, you need to change the mind within you and engage yourself in spiritual fitness of constantly forgiveness and give focus to better things in order to make life meaningful to your family, people, friends and your perceived enemies. You should strive towards becoming like a sun in the high and realize that every living being and non living being actually needs to grow and develop their personal potential into becoming like the water that has no enemies. Whoever wants to become the enemy of water will have his life terminated abruptly and the life of his generation cut short without cause. Water does good and the sun does better and they both can cause extensive damage if we do not know or have wisdom to utilize their usefulness. Be like water and sun that give abundant blessing for both the dead and the living and seek the betterment of both the living and non- living alike. The wise will always be object for infinite benefit and blessings, while the fool will always reap infinite destruction because of the fact that he fail to realize that whatever bring good also bring the opposite; that is the essence of life.
 The wise one will always see what is good and the fool tend to see evil in all things. The wise benefit from  evil without complain, condemn and critique while the fool are happy whenever they benefit without knowing that everything have a season , that there is a season for  joy and a season of sorrow as there is a time for happiness and also unhappiness , a season to give birth and a season to die , a time to wake up and a time to sleep. All these are the works of Olodumare. Chose then between spiritual fitness and spiritual weakness this is a choice we all have been given. 

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